I believe we can change the world by one amazing book of positivity at a time. Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

Recently I was invited to join a poetry book project with 15 poets from different parts of the world. I was really excited and quickly said yes! The book is called "Moments of Eternity," and it's filled with inspiring poems intended to make you feel more alive and ready to enjoy your life to the fullest.

It's heartwarming to see how literature can bring people from diverse backgrounds together to share their creativity and messages of inspiration.This touching book of poetry, inspired by love, will empower hearts, souls, and minds. It shares hope and understanding, which are like spiritual nourishment for humanity's well-being. - Lisa Precious

A collection of amazing poems that bring a beautiful variety of light, joy, and inspiration into our lives. Never would I have imagined that I would be writing poetry together with people all over the world. I am inspired and in awe. Thank you for allowing me to provide space and be part of this beautiful book. - Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

This poetry book is packed with medicine with no harmful side effects. It's also a manual of life, living, love, hope, understanding, patience, forgiveness, consideration, etc., and everything humanity needs to heal. - Annelise Lords

Moments of Eternity is an amazing compilation of diverse humans! Perfect for daily meditation and inspiration. Very enjoyable and easy read. To be able to access poetry from various sources is remarkable and refreshing. - Teak Safiya

Moments of Eternity by Dancing Elephants Press Poetry Book Project is a heart-centered creation by 15 diverse authors worldwide. The compilation of poetry is a delight to read daily to find joy, connection, compassion, and inspiration. The authors seamlessly meld together their creative literary talent, addressing identity and the question "Who am I?" throughout the book. A common theme is joy, compassion, and connection strongly associated with the relationship with all of Nature, including spirituality, humans, and the self. - Dr. D. Aquila Maraglio – Lynn

Moments of Eternity can be purchased on Amazon click here to order your copy Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi: “The Joy Of Life”
Excerpts from ‘The Joy Of Life ’ by diverse authors worldwide. Explore the meaning of spirituality, the path to joy, and experiences that ignite happiness.”