Founder of Smiley Blue - Lisa Precious

Spirituality is a hot topic that can incite numerous arguments and diverse opinions. Its profound attachment to human emotions significantly influences our choices and the person we are. Therefore, understanding your spirituality remains essential to reclaiming your power, a topic Lisa Precious is passionate about.

Lisa Precious is a renowned spiritual guide, coach, and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Smiley Blue, a brand providing the tools to dissolve old beliefs and systems that no longer serve you, helping you realize who and what you are. Lisa is also a successful entrepreneur with a proven sales, fitness, and product coaching and management track record.

Raised in a partially dysfunctional family, Lisa had to endure and overcome trauma. The experience led her to discover her passion for supporting people to consciously upgrade themselves to attain their great growth potential. According to Lisa, it is the greatest time to become consciously aware so that we can step into the magnificent beings we indeed are.

A selfless being, Lisa gains profound satisfaction from supporting people on a spiritual level. Most of her clients are amazed by her unmatched ability to unravel their life, pinpointing their obstacles. This includes seeing into the past and future and guiding them to their realizations. Her spiritual growth allows her to provide information nobody could have known in advance. “It amazes me too; however, one day, I believe these gifts will be fully understood and accepted as completely normal. I am thrilled to be able to support a client on their self-healing journey.” Lisa says.

Success results from continuous trial and error with numerous challenges you need to overcome to realize your goals. For Lisa, her greatest challenge was coming to terms with and understanding the abuse cycle. As a woman on a mission, Lisa relies on the healing process to guide her spiritual path and ultimate self-discovery to reveal her purpose in life. “Life is often a series of challenges until we learn our growth lessons from them. My greatest challenges have ultimately led me to God,” Lisa adds.

If you want to see peace in the world, then you must become a person of peace. Lisa believes in the power of having gratitude for every life experience and taking full responsibility for your own life. Remember, your life is a reflection of the decisions you make. Therefore, embrace positivity in every situation.

“The world we see today is only a reflection of our own conscious thoughts. Years of suppression and conformity have led us to this point on Earth now. Our own creativity and free thought have been stifled for centuries. Now is the time to step back into the magnificent human being you truly are,” reads the Smiley Blue website.

A born peace champion, Lisa is on a mission to paint more smiles through the Smiley Blue brand. To her, Smiley Blue is about bringing happiness to people and aligning them with nature’s principles in a fun, refreshing, exciting, and innovative way. She also envisions Smiley Blue offering children-conscious health products, entertainment, and education. “Children are like sponges, and if we can show them that they are nature and not separate from nature, then I see a very bright future ahead for the next generation,” she concludes.

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